Ascend Performance Materials has developed a new mask technology that protect against SARS-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19, and the material to make it is manufactured at the company’s North Escambia facility on Old Chemstrand Road.
The masks, a nanofiber and a microfiber nonwoven version each branded under the Acteev Biodefend line for medical devices, deliver a one-two punch of antiviral properties plus top-level barrier protection against microbes, harmful airborne particles and fluid splatter, according to the company.
“The material that goes into this material is made in Pensacola. We’ve submitted a filing with the FDA to market technology in a surgical mask that lab tests show to be 99% effective against SARS-CoV-2,” Nicki Britton, Ascend’s global communications manager, told “It’s a new way of achieving efficacy – our scientists and engineers have invented a process for embedding active zinc ions into soft nylon, resulting in a fabric that is both antiviral and comfortable. The mask designs we filed also achieve top level filtration.”
“We’ve been working on this technology for several years. When the pandemic hit we went shifted our business to answer this immediate need. Our products are manufactured in the U.S.A.,” Britton said.
Ascend has filed the necessary paperwork with the FDA to market the masks and is hoping for approval soon.
Acteev technology has been shown in laboratory tests to deactivate SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, and other pathogens including H1N1, betacoronavirus OC43, human coronavirus 229E and Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria such as staphylococcus and E. coli, according to Vikram Gopal, Ph.D., Ascend’s chief technology officer. The testing was conducted following the protocols of ISO, ASTM or other international standards organizations.
The proposed masks also meet the requirements to qualify as Level III standards, as tested by independent laboratories as well as Ascend scientists. Level III is the highest tier for physical barrier and safety properties, according to the common international testing standard.
Dr. Gopal said the combination of superior physical properties and antiviral protection is a breakthrough in medical device technology, as many masks succeed either at antiviral protection or at filtration and barrier effectiveness but not at both.
“Previous technologies rely on the materials within a mask to retain an electrical charge to achieve filtration efficiency,” Dr. Gopal said. “But when antimicrobial agents are added, those materials lose their charge and begin to fail as barriers.”
Acteev masks, however, achieve antiviral effectiveness through active zinc ions embedded within the polymer structure of polyamide 66, a hygroscopic nylon material whose equilibrium moisture keeps the zinc ions active.
“With Acteev, we have cracked the code of balancing top physical performance with antiviral protection,” Dr. Gopal said.
The technology, covered by more than 15 patent families, has been tested in multiple end forms, including knit and woven fabrics; engineered plastics; and nanofiber meltblown, microfiber meltblown and spunbond nonwoven materials.
Photos courtesy Ascend Performance Materials for, click to enlarge.
41 Responses to “Ascend Creates New Mask Technology To Protect Against COVID-19, And It’s Made In North Escambia”
Where can you purchase the masks made by Ascend
Where can I buy your face masks? Thank you
REGARDING: “Remember when those fools were burning down the big cities, I barely heard about covid,”
I don’t remember any cities burned down even though there were arsons along the way. If the lead story is about arson and looting, that doesn’t mean the rest of the world stops. Other things were still being reported even if you had to wait a few minutes.
I don’t understand why other news should mean anything about COVID-19. They don’t usually report the football game during the weather report or the weather report during the sports news.
REGARDING: “Remember back when Fauci said in March “masks don’t stop the spread”?
Actually, no I do not remember Dr Fauci using those words. I remember him saying, “The masks are important for someone who’s infected to prevent them from infecting someone else,” and that they weren’t needed AT THAT time by the general population and that people who were not sick or working with sick shouldn’t take them if it created a shortage for those who desperately needed them. He said they were imperfect but the main thing was that others more critically needed them.
“But if you think about it wearing a mask without a faceshield is really pointless.”
I have thought about it and don’t see that it is pointless. Sneezing may let more droplets through than not sneezing, but most of the time people aren’t sneezing — whereas they ARE constantly breathing.
Please let me know as soon as they are available. I want to share with my loved ones and neighbors. Thank you so much!
I want to purchase when available. I have asthma and immunocompromised. Thank you. I will need one box.
WOW, everyone is getting on the mask making bandwagon. Hey maybe they got everyone to wear one so they can profit off of you. Remember back when Fauci said in March “masks don’t stop the spread”? But if you think about it wearing a mask without a faceshield is really pointless. I’ve seen plenty of miosture come through when someone sneezed. Remember when those fools were burning down the big cities, I barely heard about covid, but sure as that faded what happened. Think about it. SHEEP NO MORE! !!!!
REGARDING: “only a fitted respirator can stop viruses from entering the body by way of the mouth and nose.”
Which would apply to pretty much anything. If air bypasses any filter, it is not filtered. If it lets enough air through, less would go around the edges.
Nonetheless, they didn’t ask for that you will note they said, “We’ve submitted a filing with the FDA to market technology in a surgical mask that lab tests show to be 99% effective against SARS-CoV-2.”
As my buddy, Wiki, says, “A surgical mask is a loose-fitting, disposable device that creates a physical barrier between the mouth and nose of the wearer and potential contaminants in the immediate environment. If worn properly, a surgical mask is meant to help block large-particle droplets, splashes, sprays, or splatter that may contain viruses and bacteria. Surgical masks may also help reduce exposure from the wearer’s saliva and respiratory secretions to others, especially during surgical procedures.
“A surgical mask, by design, does not filter or block very small particles from the outside air that may be transmitted by coughs, sneezes, or certain medical procedures to the wearer. Surgical masks also do not provide complete protection from germs and other contaminants because of the loose fit between the surface of the face mask and the face. Collection efficiency of surgical mask filters can range from less than 10% to nearly 90% for different manufacturers’ masks when measured using the test parameters for NIOSH certification. However, a study found that even for surgical masks with “good” filters, 80–100% of subjects failed an OSHA-accepted qualitative fit test, and a quantitative test showed 12–25% leakage.”
Better than nothing, not as good as perfection. Not unlike the rest of life.
We would love getting some of your mask .I have COPD and a heart condition.Right now I’m caring for my daughter and twin Grandsons who all have Asthma and other problems,this would be so helpful for my family. Big question. Will it be affordable to those of us on SS only????? God Bless you and Thank you
While this may be a good thing, I believe the FDA will only approve it as a particulates mask, only a fitted respirator can stop viruses from entering the body by way of the mouth and nose.
God Thank you for this product. Please notify me when it becomes available
Thank God for this amazing product. Please notify me when it’s available
Bravo Zulu. Once again, American ingenuity! Can’t wait to buy some from your great company and great employees. God Bless America
I am so encouraged. Thank you for your foresight in this area of medical need. I look forward to purchase after FDA approval. Please advise. Peace, Blessings, & Better Health.
Please put me on your list. My house has four immune comprised people who could benefit from these. Thank you Ascend!
Wonderful invention ,God BlessU , please allow consumers to purchase masks. Thanks
Thank you Ascend and God bless you for creating those masks to help protect us from the coronavirus good job.How do I obtain some?.
My wife has a compromised immune system. This mask would be a lifesaver for her and me. Please advise when on the market.
Would love to know when they are available I work with the Escambia county school system
Prayers that Ascend has an elected or appointed official from Florida to run point on this and fast-track it through the FDA. Lord knows we need it yesterday, so to speak.
When and were can we purchase
Please, please, let us know when these are available! I have a severely immune compromised husband. I am desperate to keep him safe. He has beaten the odds twice and I know this disease will be very hard for him to overcome. I have sewn and given away so many masks during this time. I have prayed for a mask or fabric that will work. Please save my email address from above.
We want them when ready!
Would love to purchase some! Sounds great!
Thank you for using your GOD given gift to try and save us!!!
Thank you so much for reporting on this. It’s heartening to see that there are people in our County who are hands-on in trying to help us in the struggle against covid spread.
Congratulations to Ascend for this innovation!
Now if only our local citizens would wear them.
Wonderful. Get these masks to schools now!
I don’t believe they are being sold yet. Still in try out phase. Should be available really soon. Probly online from acteev
I have lived 1 mile from Ascend for many many years. I would like to be one of the first batch of people to purchase your new masks. As soon as FDA approved please notify me as to where I can purchase it immediately. I have a life threatening disease and need as much protection as I can get. I trust your company. Thank you and God Bless Your Company fit looking out for your USA citizens
Will the fabric be available for sale?
@Connie Don’t mean to sound petty but if you had read the article you would have known they haven’t been approved by FDA for sale.(Ascend has filed the necessary paperwork with the FDA to market the masks and is hoping for approval soon.)William stated that in the article.
Please have them sell or donate to escambia County ems in the mean time! Our first responders are in need of this!
Don’t expect these Superman Masks to be available anytime soon. The FDA don’t work at warp speed… Staying at your social distance is most effective..
WONDERFUL to hear of LOCAL businesses making a Difference in this terrible virus prevention. Hope all goes well and we can purchase the masks directly from them.
William…do you know what happened to the local company that developed a “Quick Test” for the COVID-19 Antibodies? There was a lot of discussion weeks ago then nothing lately. Thank you for any info. Wish I could recall the name of company.
Y’all Be SAFE out there, COVID-19 and Beastly Hot weather. God Bless….
Makes you question just what our government is doing, Ascends scientists and engineers can figure out a better way to make masks that actually work? Where is all the governments scientists and engineers and where is our tax money going? Nice job to all the workers at Ascend by the way, at least someone cares!
>>Where are these masks sold?
“Ascend has filed the necessary paperwork with the FDA to market the masks and is hoping for approval soon.”
Where are these masks sold?
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