Reporter, Rina AyuTRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Acting Director General of Pharmacy, Ministry of Health, Arianti Anaya, appealed to the public to be careful in wearing masks.The reason is that there are now many fake masks circulating which can increase the susceptibility to transmission of the corona virusHe explained, the types of medical masks are surgical masks and respirator masks.Surgical masks made of materials in the form of Non-Woven Spunbond, Meltblown, Spunbond (SMS) and Spunbond, Meltblown, Meltblown, Spunbond (SMMS).The mask is disposable with three layers.Its use covers the mouth and nose.It is different with respirator masks or commonly called N95 or KN95.This respirator mask uses a thicker layer in the form of polypropylene, the middle layer in the form of electrete / charge polypropylene.Also read: Handling Covid-19 and TB is the same, don't forget to wear a maskThis type of mask has a better filtration ability than surgical masks.Respirator masks are usually used by medical personnel who have direct contact with Covid-19 patients.Also read: Citilink passenger caught not wearing a mask in the airplane cabin"If he has obtained a distribution permit from the Ministry of Health, it means that this mask is categorized as a surgical mask or N95 or KN95 mask which is categorized as a medical device," he said in a virtual press conference held by the Ministry of Health, Sunday (4/4/2021).The use of masks is an effort to prevent the spread of Covid-19.